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This is one of the regular requests we received through Instagram, Facebook and on this website.
Many Ikepod owners discover that the brand is still alive and back and want to give life to it.
The main fact is that we do not carry spare parts as they were sold by the previous owner to a former Ikepod watchmaker, a retired person well known by the Ikepod community and retailers.
So we do no service ourselves the watches but we have good addresses.
Please only bear in mind that Ikepod vintage watches request special tools to be open and the most important to be closed. Do not trust someone who says that it it feasible without ikepod tools. (round Hemipode, Horizon, Megapode, Isopode). Be ready also to spend at least CHF 700 for a simple revision without parts.
We give you here only the name and addresses of watchmakers we trust and that we have tested ourselves with success.
If you look for vintage straps (no more Manatee nor Seaslug) drop us an email.
Mr Bors in Fleurier, ebws@bluewin.ch
Mr Gloor in Gland youhr@projets-youhr.ch
Mr Boyajian in Nicosia Info@konstantyn-boyajian.com
After sale service of 2017-now watches is done by us: info@ikepod.com